600W solarium light.
Why need solarium?
About 30 years ago the first horse solarium with effective spotlights was launched on the market. Experienced riders, breeders, veterinarians and other experts in equestrian sports recognized the healing effects of radiation through the solarium and as a result the first devices were developed. The infrared heat radiation was mainly used during the dark season. Infrared radiation has an overall positive influence on your horse.
A large part of today's horse husbandry is based on pure stable management with often limited grazing.
Especially in the winter months, horses spend most of the day in their boxes and the movement of the horse often takes place only in the indoor riding arena, so that the natural sunlight from daylight, warmth and fresh air is often lacking here as well. These circumstances do not correspond to a horse's natural way of life, and the risk of deficiency symptoms (e.g. the formation of vitamin D) should not be underestimated.
In the meantime, a horse solarium is used all year round, because horses benefit in many ways from the stimulating radiation.
Light & heat through infrared
Infrared lamps generate heat radiation to improve the blood circulation in the horse's muscles. The heat of the infrared lamps promotes muscle elasticity and can be used for regeneration after heavy training or competition. It stimulates the recovery of the horse.
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